
Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Acceptable Use

This document defines the policies of GlobeSky (“GlobeSky”) as they relate to the
acceptable, and unacceptable, use of GlobeSky’s network, servers, and services
(“infrastructure”). These policies apply to all persons who make use of GlobeSky’s
infrastructure (the “user”), whether that person is or is not a customer of GlobeSky.

Reporting abuse

GlobeSky employs staff to handle complaints concerning transgressions of acceptable online
behaviour. If you believe a user to be in violation of this AUP, please send an email to
GlobeSky  describing the violation in detail. In the case of unsolicited commercial
email (UCE or “SPAM”), please forward the entire email (headers and contents of the email)
in a plain text file. If the offence relates to other forms of attack (hacking, denial of
service, etc.), please supply all relevant log files and any other information obtained.
This information is necessary to pursue an effective investigation into the violation’s
validity, perpetrator, and determination of an action to be taken should it be deemed

PLEASE NOTE: complaints concerning networks or users of networks outside GlobeSky's control
may not allow an action to be taken by GlobeSky.

Know the GlobeSky AUP

The "Service Agreement" document that the customer must agree to in order to use GlobeSky
services, requires them to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). The most current AUP
(available upon request) supersedes all other previous AUP documents. It is essential that
users become familiar with the contents of this document. The responsibility rests with the
user to ensure familiarity with GlobeSky’s policies.

Lawful Use of Resources

As stated in the Service Agreement, and reiterated here for purposes of clarity, users agree
not to use GlobeSky services or infrastructure in any way that contravenes applicable laws
or regulations. GlobeSky will, upon receipt of a legally binding court order or direction,
make users’ personally-identifiable information available to law-enforcement agencies.

Sending Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE or “SPAM”)

GlobeSky takes a strong stand against those who would make use of the GlobeSky
infrastructure to send bulk unsolicited commercial email or other bulk email (known as
"spam"). Most Internet users object strongly to being sent such mail, and it is clearly an
abuse of resources to which the offender is not legally or ethically entitled.

Users may maintain mailing lists only with the full prior permission and approval of the
list members, and at the members' sole discretion. Mailing lists that contain addresses that
are not deliverable or that contain addresses of unwilling recipients must have those
addresses promptly removed.

GlobeSky’s clients are urged never to reply to SPAM, as this is often nothing more than
confirmation that your email address is valid, and will result in more SPAM being sent.
Additionally, it is strongly suggested that users do not purchase lists of email addresses
for marketing or advertising purposes, as such lists are usually fraudulent and more often
than not contain lists of email addresses obtained through devious, unethical means.

GlobeSky’s clients' mail servers must be secure against open SMTP relay – the use of a mail
server to forward email to other servers without permission - as a protection to both
themselves and the other users. Mail servers that are unsecured against open relay often
become abused by unscrupulous operators to deliver SPAM. GlobeSky reserves the right to
check customers’ mail servers for open relay if they appear to be delivering SPAM - the
results of such checks will be made available to the customer, and the customer will have a
reasonable period to correct the situation. GlobeSky reserves the right to check any
customer for open relay that use GlobeSky’s mail servers as a "smart host" or similar
services at any time.

Denial of Service and Network Abuse

GlobeSky will not allow users of its infrastructure to disrupt the normal functioning of any
part of the Internet, or to attempt to circumvent any security measures. This includes all
manner of denial of service (DoS) attacks, usage of another user's Internet account without
that user's permission, and any form of attempted circumvention of any network security
measures ("cracking" or "hacking").

Other prohibited activities include (but are not limited to): unauthorised probes
("scanning" or "nuking") of others' networks; the wilful distribution of malicious software
(viruses, trojans, worms, etc); "mailbombing", and so forth. Any action that may be deemed
harmful or invasive is strictly forbidden.

Usenet (NNTP) News

GlobeSky’s customers may have access to Internet newsgroups carried on the SAIX news server
(news.saix.net). Customers acknowledge that material contained on this server might be
unacceptable to them, and that GlobeSky is unable to control such news content.

Posts to Usenet News generated by GlobeSky’s customers must comply with the written
guidelines of the newsgroup in question. Those guidelines may be obtained from other users
of the newsgroup upon request, or from the group's administrators/moderators.

Possible Actions

GlobeSky reserves the right - at its sole discretion - to take action against all forms of
abuse, such as those listed herein, and other types of abuse not listed in this document.

Upon receipt of a complaint, or having become aware of an incident, GlobeSky reserves the

(1) In the case of networks connected to GlobeSky, to:

(a) inform the network's administrator of the incident;

(b) require the network administrator or network owner to deal with the incident according
to GlobeSky's AUP (this document);

(c) charge the offending parties for machine and human time lost due to the incident and
costs for bandwidth and other resources;

(d) in severe cases, suspend the entire network's access permanently, or until abuse can be
prevented by appropriate means.

(2) In the case of individual users, to:

(a) warn the user;

(b) suspend the user's account;

(c) withdraw the user's network access privileges completely

(d) charge the offending user for machine and human time lost due to the incident;

(e) share information concerning the incident with other Internet access providers, or
publish the information.

In Conclusion

GlobeSky firmly believes in the right to privacy, and it is not GlobeSky’s policy to permit
or deny communication on the basis of the content, except where forced to by law or where
bound by the above policies.

Users are required to familiarise themselves with the above policies and act according to
them while connected to GlobeSky. Customers are further urged to research Internet culture –
netiquette, as it is commonly referred to - and to attempt to comply with this as far as

Should any customers have any doubt as to whether their intended actions could reasonably be
considered to contravene the letter or spirit of this document, they are urged to contact us
before committing to such actions.

This AUP is intended for all GlobeSky customers, and others who make use of GlobeSky’s
infrastructure, and its goal is the maintenance of a peaceful, non-confrontational and
productive Internet environment.