
Saturday, March 29, 2025
  • 24/7 Tech Support
    24/7 Tech Support Working to quickly resolve any hosting or server related problem you might experience. 24/7 ticketing system.
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  • Website Design
    Website Design Professional, high quality website design at an affordable price, giving you a winning edge over your competitors.
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  • Domain Registration
    Domain Registration Having the right domain name is critical to giving a positive first impression about your business or the services you provide
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  • Web Hosting
    Web Hosting Whether you are starting a website for a hobby, or an ecommerce website for online business, our hosting plans are designed for you.
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afFiliate program - earn money by referring clients

Start earning income by referring clients to GlobeSky for hosting.  All you need is to be a client of Globesky
and place a link to our website on your website.  A cookie will be saved on the client's computer and when
they sign up for a service it will automatically be linked to your account as an affiliate client you referred.

You have to be a client of GlobeSky to make use of this service and sign up as an affiliate in your client area.
Up to 20% per hosting  package will be paid towards your account and the credit will be posted on your account 30 days after the service was ordered, provided that payment was made by that client. This program only applies to hosting accounts and exclude domain registration and ADSL lines and connectivity.

How do i become an affiliate?

  • In your client area is a link where you can sign up as an affiliate.
  • After completing the signup process you will receive your details
    as well as the affiliate logo to place on your website.

how does it work?

  • When a visitor clicks on the link to our site, it contains
    your unique affiliate id.
  • A cookie is saved on the visitor's pc and even if they only
    sign up later, the info will be collected from the cookie and
    their account will reflect as one of your referrals.
  • You will earn 20% of their hosting fee depending on the
    hosting term used by the client.  If it is monthly then you will
    earn 20% of the fee per month etc.
  • The credit will be applied to your account on a monthly basis and
    can go towards your monthly bill or if the credit exceeds R300,
    it will be paid into your bank account.  Please note that you
    are responsible to declare this as additional income on your
    tax return.
  • A monthly report is sent to you to monitor your earnings and
    clients referred by you.

sign up now and start earning!

Click here to sign up (your existing clients login details required)
